
Las 10 mejores fotos sobre la vida salvaje de 2016

Por Kevin Morán

Publicado el 19 de octubre del 2016

El concurso Wildlife Photographer of the Year anunció a sus ganadores este miércoles en el Natural History Museum de Londres, informó Petapixel.

El fotógrafo estadounidense Tim Laman fue nombrado el Fotógrafo de la Naturaleza del Año por su instantánea titulada “Entwined Lives”, que muestra orangutanes de Borneo en peligro crítico en la selva tropical de Indonesia.

La foto de Laman fue seleccionada entre cerca de 50.000 trabajos presentados por fotógrafos de 95 países. Le costó 3 días de trabajo y escalar en un árbol de 30 metros de altura para colocar una serie de cámaras GoPro para activar de forma remota.

De otro lado, Gideon Knight del Reino Unido se convirtió en el Joven Fotógrafo de la Naturaleza 2016 con 16 años de edad con su foto titulada, “The Moon and the Crow”.

Gideon Knight / Wildlife Photographer of the Year


"Snapper Party." Winner of Underwater. Tony Wu / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
“Snapper Party.” Winner of Underwater. Tony Wu / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
"Wind Composition." Winner of Plants and Fungi. Valter Binotto / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
“Wind Composition.” Winner of Plants and Fungi. Valter Binotto / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
"The Sand Canvas." Winner of Details. Rudi Sebastian / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
“The Sand Canvas.” Winner of Details. Rudi Sebastian / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
"The Alley Cat." Winner of Urban. Nayan Khanolkar / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
“The Alley Cat.” Winner of Urban. Nayan Khanolkar / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
"Requiem for an Owl." Winner of Black and White. Mats Andersson / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
“Requiem for an Owl.” Winner of Black and White. Mats Andersson / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
"Eviction Attempt." Winner of Birds. Ganesh H Shankar / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
“Eviction Attempt.” Winner of Birds. Ganesh H Shankar / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
"The Pangolin Pit." Winner of Single Image. Paul Hilton / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
“The Pangolin Pit.” Winner of Single Image. Paul Hilton / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
"Star Player." Winner of Impressions. Luis Javier Sandoval / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
“Star Player.” Winner of Impressions. Luis Javier Sandoval / Wildlife Photographer of the Year


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